A Home for Charlie
The heartwarming story of Charlie, an orange tabby cat and his journey to find his forever home.
This book was inspired by the countless cats and dogs who wait in shelters all over the world waiting for their forever homes and those who never do.
The 'real" Charlie spent two long months at the East County Animal Shelter in Dublin, CA and Petsmart on 'display' to prospective adopters.
Charlie spent two of those weeks severely depressed and would not even pick his head up.
I'm so inspired by the sweet and loving animals and the many, many volunteers who work so hard to spread the word about them and place them in wonderful homes.
This book was inspired by the countless cats and dogs who wait in shelters all over the world waiting for their forever homes and those who never do.
The 'real" Charlie spent two long months at the East County Animal Shelter in Dublin, CA and Petsmart on 'display' to prospective adopters.
Charlie spent two of those weeks severely depressed and would not even pick his head up.
I'm so inspired by the sweet and loving animals and the many, many volunteers who work so hard to spread the word about them and place them in wonderful homes.